
This Week in Rockland: Newspaper Excerpts: Flashback Friday: Week of June 30

2023-06-30 TWIR Image-Nyack Hospital c 1920

June 28, 1873 – 150 YEARS AGO
Rockland County Journal

    Mr. Christie, our post-master, has just added one hundred and sixty-nine new boxes and otherwise greatly improved the post-office.
    C. W. Root, Esq., of New City, has been appointed Deputy Assessor and Collector for Rockland County, and has entered upon his duties.
    Dr. Beecher, of Boston, delivered in the Nyack Reformed Church, on Sunday morning, one of the finest sermons we have listened to for years.
    This dry weather and lack of water should admonish parents that they cannot exercise too much vigilance in regard to their children playing with fire-works.
    There will be music and a grand spread of good things at the Lake House, Rockland Lake, on the Fourth of July, ending with a grand ball in the evening.
    The scoundrel who victimized the Rockland County National Bank to the sum of $800, is named J. M. Henderson; he was arrested at Taunton, Mass., on Saturday at his old game.

June 26, 1923 100 YEARS AGO
Pearl River News

[Image: Nyack Hospital, ca. 1920. John Scott Collection, West Nyack Free Library, via]]
       Judge Tompkins is chairman of a committee having charge of the executive work of a county-wide campaign to raise nearly a quarter of a million dollars for enlargement of the facilities and modernizing of the hospital buildings at Nyack, N.Y.
       Few appeals will find a more ready hearing at the hands of people of this county. The several towns nearby are too small to undertake much in the way of providing for cases requiring hospital facilities; and will welcome the chance to insure such provisions within access.
       The entire expense of the “drive” will be borne by the hospital board, so that all moneys contributed are to apply 100 per cent., to the actual needs of the institution.
       Women workers are organized with Mrs. Edward H. Maynard, of Nyack, as chairman, and Mrs. Natalie F. Couch, vice-chairman.
       Says a report at hand:
       “The demand has increased far beyond the point where we are physically able to take care of those who need hospital care. For many weeks there have been more than 25 patients in the hospital. This condition has necessitated the putting up of beds in corridors, and wherever else there was space.
       “Our community will not permit such a condition to exist long. When we stop to think, we realize that the health of our people is one of the biggest assets that we have. Without a healthy populace, no city or town can hope to keep up with the pace set by well people everywhere.”

June 28, 1973 50 YEARS AGO
The Journal News

       The barges which form the bulwark for Nyack’s Memorial Park marina have been declared a hazard to navigation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
       The village has been given a week to come up with a plan to remove the barges or to end the hazardous conditions.
       Mayor Alex Caglione said Thursday at a village board meeting that he would call a workshop session of the board to discuss what steps the village can take.
       The Army’s notice will be turned over to the Nyack Park Commission.
       The barges were used during the construction of the Tappan Zee Bridge nearly 20 years ago. The late John V. Kilby, then mayor of Nyack, secured the barges at no expense to the village from the construction firm which owned them after the bridge was completed. He intended that they should form a retaining wall for an extension of the lower level of the park.
       Although the park was enlarged with dirt excavated during the construction of the New York State Thruway, it was never extended as much as Kilby had envisioned.
       The barges, used instead to form a harbor for small boats, have been breaking up for a number of years, and now according to the Army, constitute a “hazard.”

This Week in Rockland (#FBF Flashback Friday) is prepared by Clare Sheridan on behalf of the Historical Society of Rockland County. To learn about the HSRC’s mission, upcoming events or programs, visit or call (845) 634-9629.


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